A Return to Blogging.

It's been a while. A long while. But I hope to return to blogging. I have a topic in mind that I will be working on shortly (first need a book to come in to the library), but in the meantime I wanted to just say hello and comment on the the past year or so of my life. A big part of it was having my daughter. In many ways she has taken up a lot of my time but now we are at a stage where I am gaining a little more room again. And that has led to more pondering. And perhaps a few more nudges.

To go back to my introduction post from the very beginning, "There is hardly ever a complete silence in our soul. God is whispering to us well nigh incessantly. Whenever the sounds of the world die out in the soul, or sink low, then we hear these whisperings of God. He is always whispering to us, only we do not always hear because of the noise, hurry, and distraction which life causes as it rushes on." (A.W. Tozer) I probably was too busy in the past year to really hear God. But I am listening again. I am slowing down. I want to hear. And so it is with that desire that I re-enter the world of blogging, but perhaps more importantly, I re-enter the world of listening to nudges.


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